We don’t use pesticides, fungicides, or anything that is likely to poison plants, bugs or animals. If you have an insect problem, we deal with it at the source directly, removing places they may like to hide, altering garden beds and sustaining plants in a way that helps them resist disease and the odd nibble from a snail.
We control fungal issues with careful planting and hygienic garden management techniques.
We know a lot about mouse, stoat, ferret and rat control, and can advise on the best traps, but we don’t maintain currently offer trap maintenance as a part of our service.
We pull weeds the proper way, removing all of them at their root, deadheading flowers so nothing spreads, and working long and hard at controlling convolvulous, agapanthus, wandering dew and similar. Regular, mindful weeding is better than any spray, any day- both for the look of your garden, the control of the weed, and the environment. We don’t compromise.