Having never had to ‘sell’ my gardening services, operating almost entirely via word of mouth and the odd Facebook post if a staff member wants more hours… I’m not sure what to put here. I’ve always felt that only the most skilled photographers can capture a garden well, but Squarespace has many pretty templates and I’ve always taken the odd photo here and there, so I’ll try to do our gardening work justice on this page.

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We’re the bees knees.

We don’t use pesticides, fungicides, or anything that is likely to poison plants, bugs or animals. If you have an insect problem, we deal with it at the source directly, removing places they may like to hide, altering garden beds and sustaining plants in a way that helps them resist disease and the odd nibble from a snail.

We control fungal issues with careful planting and hygienic garden management techniques.

We know a lot about mouse, stoat, ferret and rat control, and can advise on the best traps, but we don’t maintain currently offer trap maintenance as a part of our service.

We pull weeds the proper way, removing all of them at their root, deadheading flowers so nothing spreads, and working long and hard at controlling convolvulous, agapanthus, wandering dew and similar. Regular, mindful weeding is better than any spray, any day- both for the look of your garden, the control of the weed, and the environment. We don’t compromise.

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Plant carefully, mulch consistently, fertilise regularly.

‘Nuff said. All staff are screened carefully with the question, “what’s growing in your vegetable garden?” We know what your plants need to thrive. Good plant care also reduces visit times and keeps your garden looking tidy for longer.

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A great working knowledge of how plants behave in Wellington weather.

Want a lemon tree? We all do! I can make it work. I can make it fruit, even!

Natives, for New Zealand’s sake, and edibles, for your tummy’s sake, are high priorities. We know our way around companion planting and have some fun tricks for you to get the most from your garden.

We also share seeds and plants between properties. Keen gardeners know that it’s easy to suddenly have too many marigolds that will otherwise end up on the compost heap! We give your marigolds to the neighbourhood, and swap you for borage…or apples…or whatever else is floating around as you need it.

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Keeping everyone safe

We know which plants you can feed your animals, and which plants to keep away from your kids. We can provide your bunnies with safe green food, that hasn’t been sprayed by council. Most landscaping ideas have passed the ‘things rowdy kids might do here’ test. Accessibility for all people is also important, when considering path access, plant height, path slipperiness, etc.


Current rates

$70hr, with minimum booking duration dependent on location. Includes green waste removal and liquid fertilisers. We mow lawns.

We offer a range of landscaping/garden planning services. Please enquire about what is right for your property.

We keep it small to keep work quality high. Please do not be offended if we cannot put you on our gardening schedule at time of inquiry.