Hinahina, Whiteywood, Melicytus Ramiflorus
Māhoe is everywhere in Wellington, and you'd be forgiven for thinking it is a weed. Trees shoot up quickly and everywhere they can grab a hold. The white trunks shoot out of stumps, the leaves are your typical green, your typical shape, your typical size. If you were to ask someone to draw a tree, they would draw a Māhoe. However, walk in a forest, and your eye will rest immediately on one, with the ghostly, patchy boughs underneath and leaves mostly only on the tips of the plant. For this reason alone, it's a great idea to hang onto one in your garden! But if you need a second, take a look at those berries. This tree is in the violet family. Its flowers and berries sit under the leaves, making them hard to spot from the outside. Get under the canopy or trim your tree carefully and the fluorescent violet will delight you. It will also delight all of the birds... which is why you see them everywhere! I am passionate about this tree. It is just beautiful, if you take the time to look. Look at those berries and realise its worth. Something so common is so beautiful.